Communicate, Connect, Grow: The OSP Podcast
Communicate, Connect, Grow: The OSP Podcast
The GRAM editing code ... the grammar episode
In this quick podcast, we talk about a simple issue: grammar. Get it right, maybe no one really notices. But get it wrong, and you'll quickly lose the trust of your readers.
If you're investing in content marketing, you're trying to build trust in your product, project, or services. Do yourself the favor of taking every step you can to show that you care about quality.
... and despite the serious tone of that introduction, this is another fun episode from the OSP crew. Enjoy! Share your thoughts with us!
Welcome to the Open Strategy Partners podcast, "Communicate, Connect, Grow!" At Open Strategy Partners, we specialize in strategic product communication. We help you communicate the value of what you do, connect you with the people who need to know about it, and grow.
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